Families in Life360 Circles can create and share reminders that are triggered by location or date. The business goal was to reposition the brand as a broader location-sharing, organization, and communication app for families.
Research and product design
Build a better family calendar. Was this a problem for families, and if so, should we try to solve it at Life360? The idea was highly debated and risky given the competition. Through upfront research, we learned that many families used a mix of digital (google) and old school solutions (paper on the fridge) to stay in sync with their families. Moms often managed these spaces and felt they needed to remind family members about appointments, tasks, and events. Building a full calendar as an experimental feature did not make sense given time and resources, so we decided to test the waters with location and time-based reminders. Reminders let us utilize some calendaring functionality in a light-weight manner while providing flexibility to change as we learned from users along the way.
I lead a design session with my team, where they generated lots of ideas about how we might want to handle reminders for common family scenarios. After more discussion and sketching on the whiteboard, we created a user story map, which I documented below to help us visually keep track of our progress.
Reminders can be assigned to anyone within the family Circle to remember events, errands, chores, and more. They trigger based on the date or when someone arrives or leaves a geo-fence. So you can remember to pick up the dry cleaning when you pass by or remind the whole family to take out the cans on trash day. Anyone can complete or repeat a reminder as needed. The variables of time and location bring up many edge-cases, but the team still managed to ship within three months!